Fellowship of the Least Coin

About FLC

The International Fellowship of the Least Coin (IFLC) is a worldwide ecumenical movement of prayer for peace and reconciliation. Persons in this movement make a commitment to spend time in prayer, and to uphold in prayer others who are victims of jealousy, hatred, violence, and injustice to the family, community, nation, and the world. Every time one prays, she sets aside a “least coin” of her currency as a tangible token of her prayer. Church Women United is the custodian for FLC offerings in the United States.

Visit the Fellowship of the Least Coin Website

Download International Information Brochure

Shanti Means Peace Book Launching

The story of the Fellowship of the Least Coin is now available to read in the form of a children’s book, Shanti Means Peace, available to order online! Watch the video below to learn more about this book project.

Check out this free resource packet for Shanti Means Peace, including a history of the FLC, craft ideas, and other ideas to engage children!

The Fellowship of the Least Coin Prayer

Fellowship of the Least Coin Praying HandsO loving Creator, we present ourselves in your divine presence to thank you for all the bountiful gifts of life. We are especially grateful for the Fellowship of the Least Coin which binds us together in love and forgiveness around the globe. Free us from all doubts and prejudices, we pray. Inspire us to live in solidarity with humankind that we may know the joy of giving and receiving. Dear God, accept the least coin “token of love.” Make us mindful of the miracles of these coins. Let us honor your creation with love, as shown through the life and resurrection of your son, Jesus the Christ. Amen.